Please visit the websites below to learn more about people and organizations working to make better places and better lives for Oregonians.


We encourage you to download Place Matters Oregon materials and share them on social media and with your colleagues, neighbors and friends.


Tune in to these data-packed presentations where we examine and explain the statistics behind the place-health connection.

  • Tobacco

    • Flavored tobacco use in Oregon

      Tobacco companies market their addictive products to Oregon kids and teens by making them look, smell and taste like candy. These companies are so adept at this targeted trickery, many adults don’t even notice it. Let’s take a closer look at the ways that our communities help, or harm, our health.

    • Tobacco cessation | Trying to quit counts

      For many people, trying to quit and failing is a necessary step on the path to ending a deadly addiction. There are resources to help people fight nicotine addiction and tobacco industry forces in their communities. We all can help Oregonians quit tobacco for good.

  • Nutrition

    • Sugary drinks in Oregon | Sweet, cheap and easy to get

      Sugary drinks are a staple of the American diet, contributing to chronic diseases that have a crushing impact on our health care system and our lives. Each year, Oregon spends over $1 billion in medical expenses for obesity-related chronic conditions. What can we do as Oregonians to counter the threat that sugary drinks pose to our health?

    • Reducing sodium in our communities

      Nearly 9 in ten Americans eat more than the recommended daily amount of sodium. But it’s not because we lack the willpower to put down the salt shaker. Our large, society-wide systems that process, package and serve much of the food we eat have far more control over the amount of salt we consume, individually and collectively, than we do.

  • Physical Activity

    • Exercise, physical activity and walkability in Oregon

      When our communities are walkable, the benefits accrue to more than just the individual walker. Creating walkable places is among the most promising strategies for addressing chronic diseases that take a physical and financial toll on our state. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to make your community more walkable, no matter where you live.

    • Healthy aging matters

      When older adults encounter barriers to engaging in our communities, we all miss out. It takes tremendous physical, mental, emotional and financial resources to overcome the barriers to healthy aging present in our society. We can remove the obstacles to healthy aging that people in Oregon face—if we commit as a community to addressing them.

  • General

    • Our strategic plan to reduce, prevent chronic disease

      Reducing chronic disease in a state of 4.2 million people is really hard work. Getting it done takes many people and partners throughout Oregon chipping away at the challenges, every day. Our strategic plan is rooted in the reality that for each person, our place matters to our health.